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Categoria: Alterações Climáticas – RIAAC-AGRI
Número de Subcategorias: 1
folder0Projetos Alterações Climáticas
Subcategorias: 1
Ficheiros: 7
Arquivos: 325

The Portuguese montado is a particular land use system, characterized by the combination, in the same area, of the forestry and the grazing components interrelating with each other, in

Autor Pinto-Correia, Teresa; Godinho, Sérgio
Transferir 259

The Portuguese montado is an agro-silvo pastoral system quite similar to the dehesa in Spain, and covering in Portugal most of the Southern region of the country, Alentejo. The trees in the

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Climate change is one of the greatest threats to coastal zones. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) considers the interaction between socioeconomic activities and environmental requirements

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The aim of this work is to study the effects of a wildfire on water-extractable elements in ash from a Pinus pinaster forest located in Portugal. The pH, electrical conductivity (EC), calcium

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Aim of study: The characterization of the fuels is an important aspect of the fire regime in each specific ecosystem while fire is an important disturbance for global vegetation dynamics. This

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This paper reviews expected impacts of climate change on agriculture, both rainfed and irrigated, and critically analyzes the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change. First, main aspects

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This paper focuses on an analysis of planted forests data from the 2015 Forests Resources Assessment of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FRA 2015). It forms one of a series of papers

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Most studies of invasive species have been in highly modified, lowland environments, with comparatively little attention directed to less disturbed, high-elevation environments. However,

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Wine is a significant contributor to the economies of many countries. However, the commodity can become contaminated with mycotoxins produced by certain fungi. Most information on mycotoxins in

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The public view of tree plantations is somewhat ambiguous. While planting a single tree is generally considered good for the environment, planting a million trees raises concerns in some circles.

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Redes Rurais EU   
Comissão Europeia



Portugal 2020
PDR 2020
Gabinete de Planeamento, Políticas e Administração Geral (GPP)
Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas,I.P - IFAP