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Categoria: Alterações Climáticas – RIAAC-AGRI
Número de Subcategorias: 1
folder0Projetos Alterações Climáticas
Subcategorias: 1
Ficheiros: 7
Arquivos: 321

Climate change represents an unavoidable and growing challenge to food security, imposing new adaptation imperatives on all farmers. Maize is arguably the world’s most productive grain crop, as

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Climate change is inflicting a huge impact in all the corners of biosphere. The insects, one of the early inhabitants of the biosphere are well known for their co-evolution with the plants and

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This study combines neutrality tests and environmental correlations to identify nonneutral patterns of evolution in candidate genes related to drought stress in two closely related Mediterranean

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Mountain regions provide diverse goods and services to human society. At the same time, mountain ecosystems are sensitive to rapid global development. Over the past 2 decades the number of papers

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In the coming decades, the Mediterranean region is expected to experience various climate impacts with negative consequences on agricultural systems and which will cause uneven reductions in

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The drought of 2003 was exceptionally severe in many regions of Europe, both in duration and in intensity. In some areas, especially in Germany and France, it was the strongest drought for the

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Achieving grain supply security with limited arable land is a major challenge in the 21st century, owing to the changing climate and increasing global population. Maize plays an increasingly

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Climatic changes over the Mediterranean basin in 2031–2060, when a 2 °C global warming is most likely to occur, are investigated with the HadCM3 global circulation model and their impacts on

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Despite the plethora of irrigation scheduling decision support systems that have been developed over the past decades, there is little evidence of widespread adoption by farmers. This paper

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The successive reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the enlargements of the European Union (EU) and the impacts of climate change have amplified the diversity of European agriculture.

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Portugal 2020
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Gabinete de Planeamento, Políticas e Administração Geral (GPP)
Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas,I.P - IFAP